Kwanjula ; A Baganda Traditional Wedding

_DSC0014On 25th May i attended my friend’s Kwanjula in Mbazi , Kyaggwe a village which is 18kms off the Kampala -Jinja highway . Kwanjula means ‘to introduce among the Baganda people . It is a ceremony where by the girl introduces her boyfriend to her clan members, family and friends . The man brings presents to the in laws  as a sign of his appreciation .

_DSC0037The day was put in God‘s hands

_DSC0099Rose and her ssengapaternal aunt‘ kneel during prayers .

_DSC0163The guests arrived shortly after Mass but had to wait a liitle longer before they were let in . (The gourd contains local brew which is received by the brides’ father )

_DSC0230The bride’s brothers and cousins came out to greet the guests . (Rose is an only daughter )

_DSC0284Entertainment  = Kiganda traditional dance .

_DSC0243Rose and her bridesmaids would later sit under this shelter once they came out of the house .

_DSC0327These are the 5 things that anyone seeking for a Muganda girls hand in marriage should take to the in-laws. 1. A certificate of Buganda  2. A map of the counties in the Buganda Kingdom 3. A portrait of the Kabaka 4 . A portrait of the Nabagereka (Queen) and most importantly a frame of the former Kings of Buganda . Once these were accepted we would shortly see the bride .

_DSC0340And yes we did . Rose (in orange gomesi) and her bridesmaids .

_DSC0365The lady of the day ….ROSEMARY NAMAGANDA.

_DSC0384Rose and Isabella share a light moment . I met Rose in my 1st year at University through Isabella and they are both very kind girls .

_DSC0430Rose would quickly show the 1000 guests her man .

_DSC0466Rose holding a rose given to her by Joel’s sisters .

The photo we had all been waiting for …. Congratulations .

_DSC0691Rose and Joel stand behind Rose’s father in his new chair that Joel had made for him, with his names engraved on it .

_DSC0720Enkoko y’omuko , the c hicken that is given to Rose’s big  brother Joseph from his brother-in -law.

Cake made of drums and Buganda shield ….. Ssabasajja Kabaka wangale

Rose in her bark-cloth dress .

Kneeling down like a Muganda girl should.

Big hug .

Congratulations Rose and Joel .

Check out more kwanjula photos on my website

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